3 May 2013

Ordering samples from byjo.co.uk

I love to meet with potential clients at the byjo 'beach house' and discuss how we can can create the perfect stationery for their big day - but sometimes this just isn't possible.

That's when I need to send out samples!  Often they will be personalised with the wedding details, and I will usually include some different options for the design - perhaps different shades/types of ribbon, options for printing etc.

While I regularly receive verbal comments from brides (and grooms) about how they loved the samples, it's not often that people take the time to write to me telling how pleased they were.
I had a lovely email this week from Karen that I really wanted to share:

"Sample invite received safely yesterday - thank you!!!
I am really pleased with the look of the design and on first impression do prefer the ivory satin ribbon to the velvet one after all!!  The whole parcel was beautifully packaged and it was nice to have the note inside with the additional information re: ordering, etc.  It was lovely to see personalised details on the invite as it seemed much more "our own"!!
Once again thanks for the time and effort that you have given so far, your invites really are a credit to you!!"

There's a helpful article on my website here about how to order samples, if you'd like to see some for yourself!
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